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Abilities are specific applications of your character’s experience. They often make significant changes to how your character plays, and they vary in how they progress, if they progress at all.


For abilities that start higher than level 1, you must spend experience for each level up to that level as well. For example, if an ability starts at level 2, it costs 250 experience to buy, in total - 100 for the “first” level, and 150 for the “second” level. Each level of an ability costs the following amount of experience to buy. 

1 - 100 exp

2 - 150 exp

3 - 250 exp

4 - 400 exp

5 - 600 exp

Armor Proficiency


You are accustomed to wearing and moving around in armor. Up to 10 lbs. per level of the armor you wear doesn’t count against your carrying capacity.



You are skilled at cutting deals. When making talent checks to negotiate trades, transactions and payments, you get a +1 roll modifier per level.



You can have one additional Cryture attuned at a time, per level.

Class Proficiency


You have an affinity for a chosen cryture class and know how to make the most of its powers. When a cryture you control uses a power from that class, it has a reroll threshold equal to your level in this Ability.



You have friends that belong to a certain circle of society. You get a +1 roll modifier per level when making talent checks to gain information relating to that particular social group. You can have multiple instances of this Ability, but each one must apply to a different group.

Danger Sense


You get a die bonus to your Initiative equal to your Sense.



You're experienced in exploring dangerous and ancient structures. When making talent checks that involve hidden or hazardous features in a man-made environment, you get a +1 roll modifier per level in this Ability.



You gain +1 Mana per level.



You’ve spent a lot of time around nobility and are familiar with the social rules and etiquette among royal courts. When making talent checks to deal with nobility or in a high-class setting, you get a +1 roll modifier per level in this Ability.

Fast Healing


You only require half the normal time to recover from an injury after it’s been treated.



Requirement: Agility 3, Legerdemain 2

You gain the following power:


Cost: 1 Stamina

Minor Action

Melee 1

Attack: Agility + Legerdemain vs. Evasion

Hit: Your next attack against the target gets a +1 roll modifier per hit until end of turn.

Crit: +1 Hit.

Field Medic


During a short rest, you can tend to a person, allowing you to spend Medical Supplies to refill Health instead of Stamina.

Glyph Scribe


Requirement: Intellect 3, Scribe 2

Instead of creating scrolls, you can use a Scribe recipe to create a glyph on a fixed surface that creates the same effect when triggered. You can set the conditions of the trigger, as well as define the source as either yourself or the triggering entity.



You are especially good at collecting essences from defeated crytures. Instead of rolling to see what type of essences you collect, you may choose the types from the crytures’ loot table.



You have a knack for translating and deciphering languages. When making talent checks to read or communicate in a non-native language, you get a +1 roll modifier per level in this Ability.

Mental Prowess


When you make a talent check with Intellect, you may spend 1 Mana to get a +1 die modifier to the check for each point of Intellect you have.

Natural Conjurer


Your crytures don't unsummon when you become incapacitated.

Nimble Prowess


When you make a talent check with Agility, you may spend 1 Stamina to get a +1 die modifier to the check for each point of Agility you have.

Off-hand Strike


Requirement: Agility 3, Melee 2

You gain the following power.

Off-hand Strike

Cost: 1 Stamina

Minor Action


Effect: You make a basic attack with a melee weapon in your off-hand with a -3 die modifier.

Pack Mule


Your carrying capacity is increased by 25 lbs.

Physical Prowess


When you make a talent check with Fitness, you may spend 1 Stamina to get a +1 die modifier to the check for each point of Fitness you have.



You are familiar with various mineral resources and can identify gems and metals without a Talent check.

Quick Conjuring


You can conjure a cryture as a minor action, instead of a major action.

Rallying Cry


Requirement: Sense 3, Persuasion 2

You gain the following power.

Rallying Cry

Cost: 1 Stamina

Major Action

Ranged 10

Effect: The target becomes Empowered and regains 3 Health per level of Persuasion you have.

Second Wind


Requirement: Fitness 3, Athletics 2

You gain the following power.

Second Wind

Cost: 1 Stamina

Minor Action


Effect: You regain 4 Health per level of Athletics you have.

Shield Proficiency


You’ve trained to incorporate shields into your fighting style, as much for offensive use as defensive. When making attacks with shields, you have a reroll threshold equal to your level in this Ability.

Shield Rush


Requirement: Shield Proficiency 1

You gain the following power while wielding a shield.

Shield Rush

Major Action

Melee 1

Attack: Fitness + Melee vs Deflection

Hit: 1 damage per hit and you push the target 1 space, then shift into the space it occupied.

Crit: +1 Hit.

Skill Proficiency


You’re so practiced with a chosen skill that you no longer make careless mistakes. When making talent checks with that skill, you have a reroll threshold equal to your level in this Ability.



Choose a cryture type. When making affinity and enmity rolls with crytures of that type, you get a +1 roll modifier per level in this Ability.



You’re especially good at scouring libraries and testing hypotheses. When making talent checks to conduct research, you get a +1 roll modifier per level in this Ability.



You gain +1 Stamina per level.

Weapon Proficiency


You’ve trained with a chosen kind of weapon to a degree that it's become second nature to wield. When making attacks with that weapon, you have a reroll threshold equal to your level in this Ability.

Wild Child


You’ve spent a lot of time in and around the wilderness and you know your way around nature. When dealing with woods or jungle settings you get a +1 roll modifier per level in this Ability.

Wise Prowess


When you make a talent check with Sense, you may spend 1 Mana to get a +1 die modifier to the check for each point of Sense you have.

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